PIT talk by Steven Jeuris from ITU on "Rethinking the Traditional Computing Paradigm: Empirical Foundations and New Directions for Activity-Based Computing”
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5335-395 Nygaard Møderum
Steven Jeuris is a PhD Student at the Pervasive Interaction Technology Lab (PIT Lab) at the IT University of Copenhagen, working on Next Generation Technologies for Global Software Development (NeXGSD) where he applies Activity-Based Computing (ABC) principles throughout the lifecycle of software development to improve tool integration and improve knowledge transfer between coworkers.
As part of his master's degree in Game and Media Technology at the University of Utrecht (The Netherlands) he did a thesis on how to scale activity management in an ABC system to which end he created Laevo, a personal desktop interface for knowledge workers integrating task, window, and file management. His interests lie in software development, human-computer interaction and multimedia including game development. Previously he got a BSc in Applied Informatics at the Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven (Belgium), after which he worked for several years as a software developer at AIM Productions on interactive hometrainer software as well as other multimedia applications.