In his iconic 1993 paper D. Schön coined the term ‘generative metaphor’ and demonstrated how metaphors can "generate new perceptions, explanations, and inventions", providing a particular exemplar of 'seeing-as' [Schøn 1993], and helping framing collaborative design-team activities and the ideas they produce. Metaphor can shift the focus of attention, provide a novel view of reality, and offer specific design options [Halskov Madsen 1994]; or be used as a meta-analysis tool [Beck and Ekbia]. Höök and Löwgren [2012] have investigated the generative potential of (strong) concepts when it comes to design. Other researchers have conceptualized how design materials and externalizations operate as generative resources in design [Dix and Gongora 2011; Bjørndahl et al 2014].
In this PIT session we will develop the foundation for understanding the multiple levels of generative mechanisms in IT design and use, including generative:
In particular we will pursue the PIT goal of developing critical alternatives, through generative strategies.
09.00-09.15: Short intro
09.15-10.00: Interaction as a generative concept, Stuart Reeves
10.00-10.45: Delimiting Generativity, Kia Höök
10.45-11.00: Coffee break
11.00-11.45: Generative design spaces, Kim Halskov
11.45-12.30: Generative artefact ecologies, Susanne Bødker
12.30-13.30: Lunch
13.30-15.30: Round table discussion